The Seven Covenant Blessings of Abraham (Part 3)


God will bless you and make your name great in the land where he has planted you.


1st blessing: Genesis 12: 1 – God will put you in a land, job, business, venture etc where you will fulfill His purpose in other words the blessing of land and purpose. Part of Abraham’s purpose was to establish the nation of Israel in the land of Canaan. Genesis 17:8. In short any person, place or thing that helps you to fulfill purpose is your LAND. So cultivate and work on your land until it yields your purpose.

2nd blessing: Genesis 12:2 – God’s purpose for your life will become so established and successful that it will affect a nation in other words the blessing of national growth and expansion.

3rd blessing: Genesis 12:2 – The success of your purpose will magnify your name in the place God has planted you in other words the blessing of greatness. (4th blessing follows in the next post)


These blessings will manifest in your life if you walk with God like Abraham did.

PRAYER POINT: O God empower me to walk with you.


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Toby Iweka

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God bless you have a wonderful day.






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