The Covenant of blessings


God’s blessings shall never cease in your life.


“For the seed shall be prosperous, The vine shall give its fruit, The ground shall give her increase, And the heavens shall give their dew— I will cause the remnant of this people To possess all these.”  Zechariah 8:12

“..Let us fear the LORD our God, who gives the rains, both autumn and spring, in season, who keeps for us the appointed weeks of harvest….” Jeremiah 5:24

“While the earth remains, Seed time and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22


God’s blessings shall never depart from your life if you abide in Him.


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Toby Iweka

Partner with us to spread the good news of Jesus Christ in every nation.


God bless you have a wonderful day.


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