
L.E.D 7 Network

L.E.D 7 Network

We recognize the many challenges and difficulties churches experience in sustaining evangelism efforts to win their communities. Often times through lack of vision, leadership and follow up of new converts evangelism initiatives bear no lasting fruit.

To address this problem JWO has created a unique monitoring and support system for all churches running the LED7 PROGRAMME  in their various churches and communities

Through the LED7 Network,
Evangelism leaders from participating churches interact with each other during regular bi monthly meetings to encourage and pray for each other, exchange information and ideas. There is also an opportunity to present a report of what God is doing in their various churches and communities and also areas they need assistance.

Vital link is maintained between JWO and churches to provide the needed support on a regular basis. Through their leadership, JWO monitors the progress of outreaches and the levels of enthusiasm amongst the team. The appropriate support are then given.

The network is also a resource centre for various evangelism tools and aids for effective witnessing. Meetings are rotated in participating churches on a Bi-monthly basis.

Rev Toby chairing a LED7 Network meeting with evangelism leaders from various churches running the LED7 program.

LED7 Network meeting

We sincerely recommend all churches burning with the passion to win their communities and make disciples to tap into the synergy created by this unique and powerful collaboration. The benefits of this evangelism network cannot be over emphasized and can indeed be a catalyst for revival fires.

If you are interested in joining the LED7 Network pls  sign up here.

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