J.E.T Course

Josea Evangelism Training (J.E.T) Course

Evangelism training in progress

Josea Evangelism Training (J.E.T) Course is a rapid evangelism, signs & wonders, discipleship & spiritual warfare course that equips the church for the end-time harvest. It prepares the church for the  L.E.D 7 Outreach Program which focuses on winning souls, making disciples and raising evangelism leaders for Christ. Christians are fully trained in the ministry of evangelism, discipleship, intercession and signs & wonders, and released into the world to win souls

J.E.T Course in progress in a participating Church

Our Aim:

We aim to run the course in Churches all over the world to win souls and make disciples of all nations.

Participating Churches are equipped and positioned to work the works of God, saving and healing souls in their localities one at a time. Whole communities are reached, individually discipled, and added to the local assembly.

Local residents are reached after training

Mode of learning:

Trainees learn through taught classes, discussions, home studies, and practical assignments. There are practical assignments in evangelism, prayer, discipleship and signs and wonders.

J.E.T Course is also offered online.

“The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few; pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into the harvest field” Luke 10:2

Training takes place in the participating church.

We also offer personalised online training.


A monitoring and support system is in place to ensure that the Jet training and LED7 program bears fruit in the participating churches at the expiration of the program.


A fully functioning and well organised outreach team will be created or reinforced for a maximum evangelistic campaign in the community.



To register your church for in house training or online personalised training please  CLICK HERE

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